- Sworn & Certified Translations of documents and works no matters the domain or the degree of difficulty: English, French, Italian, Spanish, Greek, Portuguese, Turkish, Hebrew, German, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Arabic, Albanian, Czech, Hungarian, Chinese, Japanese, other rare languages;
- Notarization services;
- Apostilles, superlegalizations of documents;
- Complex files for the validation and certification of the diplomas and of the professional qualifications obtained in Romania for the European Union or obtained in other countries across the world and validated here, in Romania;
- Certifications, endorsements and legalizations of documents at ministries, embassies and consulates;
- Files for the celebration of marriages of foreign citizens on the territory of Romania or of Romanian citizens abroad;
- Family reunification for Romanian citizens abroad;
- Obtaining residence and citizenship for Romanian citizens in the countries of the European Union;
- Interpretation services, interactive & customized lectures;
- Professional services and solutions for setting foreign companies or any other forms of organisation agreed here in Romania;